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Getting out of bed in the morning is a lot easier and more enjoyable when you have a dog who is ecstatic to see you open your eyes. As you get ready to go out, he gets even more enthusiastic. He's now chasing his own tail, bouncing up and down and doing strange, frenzied motions. It's as if going for a morning walk is the most thrilling experience he's ever had. It's impossible not to smile.

That's the point about dogs. They improve your quality of life. You can't help but smile when you're around them. You are compelled to move. They inspire you to be more present-oriented. They help you feel like you've been adored. That's why it's no surprise that dogs improve your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, according to scientists.

Here are some reasons why you should adopt a dog.

1. They are known as ‘Happy Pill’

Dog’s happy faces are adorable. Only seconds of looking at them will make you feel better. They lift your mood. Petting them also increases your oxytocin and lowers your stress hormones. Studies have shown that having a dog with you can help maintain a more optimistic outlook on life.

2. Dogs are active and help with your social life.

Dogs are naturally movable. They can help you engage in a conversation with your neighbors upon attracting their attention. You can also meet cool people with this common ground of interest online. They are friendly, and dogs can make you mirror their mood. You will often go outside to jog in the morning and in the afternoon, and this will help you meet new people.

3. Dogs can help you have a healthy lifestyle.

Getting up early to feed and walk your dog, cooking meals and sharing them with him, playing balls and hide and seek are some activities that help you maintain an active lifestyle as it seems like exercising in a way that always moves your body. When you have a dog, you cannot just sit all day because they will encourage you to go and play with them.

4. You bring home the homeless.

You can’t buy love, but you can adopt it from an animal shelter. There are many dogs who have no home or owner. Adopting one decreases the number of homeless animals that have been abandoned. You are helping and saving them from cruelty. You bring them hope by providing them with a home and taking care of them.

5. Life will never be boring again.

One thing is certain: life with a dog is full of significant changes—in the greatest possible manner! Say goodbye to your dull routine and predictable nights, and hello to a new purpose in life. Your new pet will add variety, excitement, and love to your life.

Dogs bring more color to a person’s life. They are not just a responsibility, but they also help you to be a more responsible person. There are many dogs in the street without a home and in need of a shelter. You can help them genuinely by adopting them instead of buying them from shops.

We encourage everyone to open their minds and hearts to sheltering pets in need. Even if you are unable to adopt, there may be something you can do to help animals in need at your local shelter or rescue.

What do you think? Have you made up your mind to adopt a fluffy friend? Try and consider the reasons above. Get in touch with your local animal shelter today and save a life!




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