It was a sunny afternoon, and the sky was in a good mood to give a good amount of fresh wind to the atmosphere. My mommy is humming her favorite songs as she earnestly clasps my "gabay" around my neck. We will walk outside for our routine. First, she'll show me around our neighborhood three times. I will get to see all the friends in our neighborhood and will hear every tantrum they have. Sometimes I wonder if I could wear headphones so that I could have a peaceful walk.
Second, mommy will go to the bakery and buy her favorite bread, and we will always stop by where her crush works. This bakery is full of good bread. What can I say? Because I can smell the delicious aroma coming from it. They have various types of bread you can buy too. We will stay there for at least 30 minutes until she gets the amount of attention she needs. Then, we will go back with her, walking with happy feet while the sun sets melancholy. Finally, I'll be able to relax in my room.
Another day, I noticed the sun was hiding quickly. The purplish pink hue is now waving, and any minute from now, I know the dark hue will cover the sky. We've been walking as usual to the bakery, where she gets her giggly moment, and 30 minutes have passed. I still can not sense her happy cells dancing wildly. I looked up and saw a hint of gray in her eyes. There's a shadow of shock in it, but it's all deep nothingness. She crumpled the paper and threw it away before she ran away and forgot that she had me beside her. I took the paper and ran after her.
I found her crawling and crying in the living room with only the lamp turned on, the clock ticking upside down, the picture of me while I'm still a baby playing in the yard is cracked, the watch and earrings are beneath the sofa, and clothes and dirty pens are scattered. I walked gently and sat beside her. I lick her face, yet she ignores me, and all I can hear the whole night is her amplifying pain.
I'm eating my food subtly. My space has not been cleaned for many days. My skin is becoming dry and my water is already warm. I wanted a cold, refreshing drink. I wanted to scream, but I knew mommy was still not feeling well. She's been hiding in the room for who knows how long.
I wanted to give her food, but she locked the door. I wanted to hug her and let her know that I'm here. I kept waiting outside the door, anticipating she'd give me any attention until I heard a glint of the rooster's sound, signaling the rising of today's sun. I yawned and didn't notice I had fallen asleep. My tummy was grumbling. I saw dry tasty food on the floor. It smelled fine, so I ate it. I feel sleepy again. I've been so unproductive and lazy that I think I wanted to have a glimpse of the outside. Okay, I kind of missed the irrational greetings of my neighbors too, but suddenly it's all black.
It's so fluffy and smooth. I smell something good too. It looks like mommy is cooking a delicious meal. Cool. I will have a feast today. I felt too lazy to get up. It's so nice. Yeah, how many days has it been? I cannot remember how long I felt so comfortable and clean. It's pitch black outside. I guess nothing has changed yet. I might go back here. I wanted to stay here. Mommy is smiling; her eyes are twinkling; she's humming her favorite song; and she's so eager about what she's doing. Maufy! She called. I quickly run towards her and jump on her thighs. She caresses my neck and forehead so gently that I feel so mushy with her soft hands. I love it.
I wish it wouldn't end. I want this forever and ever. Please stay with me. I'm damp. Some water is on my face. What is it? I hear a subtle whining. Who is it? I stood up but was pulled backwards with a strong yet gentle pull. I look back to see, and there is a blurred face of a woman, crying and smiling, looking at me. Tears won't stop falling. *arf* What took you so long, mommy? I missed you. I hugged and kissed her. She giggled. I can now sense some happy cells within her. Yey! I know she'll cook a delicious meal after she showers. I hope she'll stay happy forever.